What is SharkFest?
SharkFest is a charity event featuring lap-swimming, food, and a silent auction to raise money for charity.
How does it work?
Participants raise money through sponsors in two ways: Flat donations and per-lap donations. A flat donation is when a single sum is promised to be donated, and a per-lap donation is an amount to be donated per lap the participant swims. At the end of the event, lap totals are submitted and donations are calculated.
How do I get involved?
There are many ways to get involved in SharkFest! We strongly encourage everyone to stop by the event from 4-8 pm on June 30th to meet with neighbors, grab dinner at the Sharkbite Cafe (proceeds go to SharkFest!), and swim laps! If you are not able to attend, we would still encourage you to get involved by collecting flat donations, bidding on the silent auction, or spreading the word about our event!
Sunday June 30, 2024
4pm- SharkFest begins!
Make sure to bring donor form and waiver
Swim laps, eat food, and have fun!
Bid on Silent Auction items
6pm- Guest Speaker from KidsRFirst
Hear about all the work they do for our NOVA community!
8pm- SharkFest ends
Silent auction winners announced
All raffle entries due
Auction and Raffle
Another way to get involved!
Silent Auction
There are TWO types of silent auction this year!
One will be geared towards swim team members and be physically posted in the pool hallway starting on June 24th
The other will be online and geared towards adults starting on June 24th
Swimmers earn raffle tickets based on the amount of laps they swim! Raffle tickets can be picked up and deposited after laps are completed. Swimmers MUST be present at the pep rally on 7/5 to receive their prize
We hope everyone joins us on June 30th!
Thank you to our Sponsors